ALA Midwinter 2006 San Antonio, TX OCLC FictionFinder & OCLC DeweyBrowser Eric Childress OCLC Research
FictionFinder Interface: Project page: An OCLC experimental prototype Supports searching & browsing of fiction materials cataloged in WorldCat 2.7M bibliographic records 1.2M works represented Employs FRBR to: Build a “work” view & cluster related records Support the creation of special indexes OCLC Research team: Diane Vizine-Goetz (lead) Roger Thompson Carol Hickey Lance Osborne New version: Available 1st quarter 2006 Improved navigation & work-based displays
Preview of soon-to-be-released new version
This is the search result for “Historical fiction” Note the grey bars which present a simple search interface, information on the search & results count, navigation, and the ability to resort results (the default is ranking of works by numbers of libraries holding all editions) Each search result entry now provides the uniform title & author along with a brief summary (if available)
Don Quixote (work display screen 1) Clicking on Don Quixote, we see the works view More information is provided about the workset (i.e. the collection of editions that constitute all iterations of the work) New options for sorting and also for filtering the result to specific subsets of format or language Don Quixote (work display screen 1)
Don Quixote (work display screen 2) Note also the grey bar on the left side that allows for additional relevant searches into Fiction Finder based on characteristics of the work/workset being viewed. Now, let’s look at the entry for an individual edition…
An unusually rich edition information display – depending on what information is available, the content of these screens will vary in richness.
Clicking the on the Find in Library link takes us to the Open WorldCat display and to a convenient library
Example 2: searching FictionFinder
Fiction Finder finds 46 fictional works in WorldCat are set in San Antonio, Texas.
DeweyBrowser Interface: About Dewey Browser: An OCLC experimental prototype Supports searching & browsing collections organized by DDC Presents search results at three levels corresponding to the three main summaries of Dewey Collections available: wcat – 2.2 million of the most widely held WorldCat records abr14 – selected data from the Abridged Edition 14 of DDC ebooks - 210,000+ electronic book records from WorldCat Summaries can be displayed in: English French German Spanish Swedish OCLC Research team: Diane Vizine-Goetz (lead) Thom Hickey (lead) Harry Wagner Carol Hickey Lance Osborne
Notice how many places in Dewey references to “fantasy” occur
DeweyBrowser - Abridged 14 collection Selected data from the Abridged Edition 14 of DDC Includes a collaborative editing feature that enables authorized users to suggest index terms for a DDC class (Suggested terms) Suggested terms will be delivered to interested users via RSS
Once logged in, a user may enter suggested terms into a special form – the terms are then provisionally part of the record subject to review, enhancement, deletion by the Dewey editors.
Links OCLC FictionFinder OCLC DeweyBrowser Interface: Project page: OCLC DeweyBrowser Interface: About DeweyBrowser: Vizine-Goetz, Diane and Thomas B. Hickey. 2006. “Getting Visual with the DeweyBrowser” NextSpace no. 1