WHAT’S IN A NAME ASSIGNMENT For class tomorrow, everyone will be sharing something about their name. You can focus on HOW you got your name or WHAT YOUR NAME MEANS. You will need to share this with the class. You WILL receive a grade for this – so be ready.
What am I grading you on? You shared You completed the task at hand We could hear you You were looking at us How well you listened to your classmates and showed respect as an audience member
FAQ 1. How long should it be? 1-3 minutes. 2. Will I lose points if I go over time or am too short on time? Yes, for that category. 3. Can I use notes? No, you should be able to remember/recall/know what you are sharing. 4. What will the order be? Alphabetically backwards Z-A. 5. Others?
R-E-S-P-E-C-T My number one rule in class is be respectful – to me, your peers, the space, yourself, and your learning. KINDNESS We all have enough issues to deal with; the last thing we need is someone being cruel to us. Be kind. You get what you give in life, so give kindness.
1. Your First and Last Name TELL ME ABOUT YOU! On a notecard, fill out the following information: 1. Your First and Last Name 2. The name you prefer to go by (if different from #1) 3. What you like to do in your free time 4. Music you like (type or artists or songs) 5. Shows/movies/books you like 6. What you hope to learn this year 7. What do you hope to learn/become better at this year? 8. How do you learn best? 9. What is your biggest distraction to learning? 10. One thing you want your teacher to know about you