Research Review Group Edge Foundation and Education & Employers Aim: to share information of current research into the relationships between education and employment Members: Purpose Leading researchers and academic organisations Foundations and organisations with an interest Government officials from relevant Departments / Agencies Develop and maintain a research map Act as an informal forum for academic and non-academic members Minimise overlaps and maximise collaboration in research studies Communicate research findings to strengthen shared messages Provide key information to policy makers Provide a forum to nurture and shape the future of the education research profession Scope Careers guidance Employer engagement The role of the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in preparation for work. Technical and Professional Education Operation of the Youth labour market.
Edge’s Programme for Early Career Researchers Aim: to create more opportunities for PhD students and early career researchers to develop expertise in the area of technical and professional education in order to build a growing pool of capacity and talent for the future. What does the programme include? How does it work? Sponsor PhD students Plan to sponsor one collaborative Ph.D. student/year in the next 3 years Edge and EE joint conference bursary Conference support available through competitive tender Offer policy up-date Share experiences and progress Network RPCE 2018 (symposium and early career bursaries) Gather and make relevant dissertations publically available. Conference bursaries Research Network Sponsored conferences Ph.D. dissertation depository on Edge’s website