Current impedance activities LHC DS collimators Hugo New unshielded bellows around ATLAS Olav SPS pumping ports (shielded, unshielded) Olav SPS enamel flanges Benoit Clearing electrode to be assigned (probably Benoit) PS wirescanners Benoit (sim), Hugo and Olav (meas) Segmentation, internal and external circuits of SPS kickers Carlo Serigraphy for SPS kickers Carlo and Hugo Material characterization Carlo Finite length Nicolo Flat, elliptic chambers Nicolas
In "sleep mode” LHC: SPS: PS: PSB: MKI and MKD: worked on by Hugo collimators with BPMs: worked on by Hugo PIMS: worked on by Benoit and Olav. RF cavities: to be assigned Rotatable Collimators : to be worked on by Hugo beam screen weld: worked on by Nicolas and Carlo beam screen holes: to be assigned TDI: to be assigned Septa: to be assigned Trapped modes in collimators: worked on by Hugo SPS: MSE, MST and ZS: worked on by Benoit kicker transitions: worked on by Hugo laminated steel kicker worked on by Carlo and Benoit PS: Extraction kicker request by Sandra Aumon on February 2011: to be assigned PSB: Y piece and ceramic chamber (M. Barnes and W. Wetterings): to be assigned