Current impedance activities


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Presentation transcript:

Current impedance activities LHC DS collimators  Hugo New unshielded bellows around ATLAS  Olav SPS pumping ports (shielded, unshielded)  Olav SPS enamel flanges  Benoit Clearing electrode  to be assigned (probably Benoit) PS wirescanners  Benoit (sim), Hugo and Olav (meas) Segmentation, internal and external circuits of SPS kickers Carlo Serigraphy for SPS kickers  Carlo and Hugo Material characterization  Carlo Finite length  Nicolo Flat, elliptic chambers  Nicolas

In "sleep mode” LHC: SPS: PS: PSB: MKI and MKD: worked on by Hugo collimators with BPMs: worked on by Hugo PIMS: worked on by Benoit and Olav. RF cavities: to be assigned Rotatable Collimators : to be worked on by Hugo beam screen weld: worked on by Nicolas and Carlo beam screen holes: to be assigned TDI: to be assigned Septa: to be assigned Trapped modes in collimators: worked on by Hugo SPS: MSE, MST and ZS: worked on by Benoit kicker transitions: worked on by Hugo laminated steel kicker worked on by Carlo and Benoit PS: Extraction kicker request by Sandra Aumon on February 2011: to be assigned PSB: Y piece and ceramic chamber (M. Barnes and W. Wetterings): to be assigned