Poetry from the Anthology: Literary Terms Pages 740-746 provide definitions and models of various literary terms. Some of these are review and very useful, some are new and useful, and some are very advanced (and therefore less useful in ninth grade). If you love poetry or have a gap here, take a closer look! Traditional form Petrarchan sonnet Shakesperean sonnet quatrain couplet Speaker Organic form free verse Sound devices Repetition Alliteration Assonance Consonance Meter Foot Iamb Trochee Spondee Trimeter Tetrameter Pentameter Imagery and figurative language Diction Imagery Simile Metaphor Personification Hyperbole
Goals: Roethke, Lee, & Dove Goals: to review/learn poetic literary terms and use them in comprehension, to analyze imagery, and to evaluate lyric poetry (page 749) These CATs (page 754) are homework - Comprehension = # 4 Analysis = # 6 Thinking Critically = #7 (add your judgment too) Include a correctly formatted Works Cited for these poems in this anthology. Don’t forget to alphabetize.
Goals: Robert Frost Goals: to review/learn poetic literary terms and use them in comprehension, to analyze dramatic monologue, and to evaluate meter (page 793) These CATs (page 797) are homework - Comprehension = # 8 Analysis = # 7 Thinking Critically = #10 (add your judgment too) Include a correctly formatted Works Cited for this poem in this anthology.
Goals: Emily Dickinson Goals: to review/learn poetic literary terms and use them in comprehension (page 869), to analyze extended metaphor, and to evaluate Dickinson’s style These CATs (page 873) are homework - Comprehension = # 4 Analysis = # 5 Thinking Critically = #6 (add your judgment too) Include a correctly formatted Works Cited for these poems in this anthology.
Goals: Nikki Giovanni Goals: to review/learn poetic literary terms and use them in comprehension, to analyze word choice, and to evaluate Giovanni’s style (page 875) These CATs (page 879) are homework - Comprehension = # 3 Analysis = # 5 Thinking Critically = #6 or 8 (add your judgment too) Include a correctly formatted Works Cited for these poems in this anthology.
Goals: McKay & Hughes Goals: to review/learn poetic literary terms and use them in comprehension, to analyze effects of sound, and to evaluate a poem in light of biographical context (page 983) These CATs (page 989) are homework - Comprehension = # 10 Analysis = # 9 Thinking Critically = #11 (add your judgment too) Include a correctly formatted Works Cited for these poems in this anthology.
Goals: Basho, Wright, & Naparstek Goals: to review/learn poetic literary terms and use them in comprehension, to analyze the value of haiku as a poetic form, and to evaluate personification (page 991) These CATs (page 995) are homework - Comprehension = # 7 Analysis = # 8 Thinking Critically = #6 (add your judgment too) Include a correctly formatted Works Cited for these poems in this anthology.