Major Theorists of Child Development
Sigmund Freud Childhood experiences affect adult life.
Maria Montessori Children learn through senses They need objects to manipulate Founder of “Montessori” schools
Arnold Gesell Developed basic information about sequence and rate of child development.
Jean Piaget Children go through 4 stages of learning.
Erik Erikson Personality develops in stages. Trust Guilt Hard work Taking care of others
B.F. Skinner Effects of positive and negative reinforcement (Rewards and punishments)
Albert Bandura Children learn by modeling. Parents and caregivers must provide good examples.
Robert coles Caregivers examples help children in moral development.
Lev Vygotsky Children should have many opportunities for social interaction to develop intellectually.
Howard Gardner 1943- Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Musical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, Existential, Moral
Urie Bronfenbrenner Environmentalist Theory: Microsystem-daily environment of child Mesosystem-connections between home & school Exosystem-outside environment-parent workplace Macrosystem-larger environment such as country
Lawrence Kolhberg (3rd from left) 3 levels of moral development: Child follows rules because of authority figure. Adult abides rules because society expects it. Adults make moral choices because they care about others-some never reach this level!