Convention: Tool for my life Presented by Rachel Noble CEO April 2014
Tools: Raw goods Me! Family members especially Grandma with her two walking sticks Multiple classmates, students, colleagues, friends The Convention validates us, values us and recognises our contribution in this world. We knew it, now we really know it! Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Tools: Foundation Human Rights Declaration 1948 All People Are Born Free And Equal The Convention articulates this for us, because WE defined ‘free and equal’ for ourselves. Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Do I/we need to dream of this? Tools Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one's own choices, and independence of persons Do I/we need to dream of this? The Convention sets the stage for this to become a real feeling, a real experience. Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Tools Disability is a evolving concept. Result of environmental and attitudinal barriers so its not me! Recognise our valued role, our contributions to significant advances in the human, social and economic development of society and the eradication of poverty a world without us would be bland Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Tools Recognizing the importance of accessibility to the physical, social, economic and cultural environment, to health and education and to information and communication as we’ve always been saying persons with disabilities to fully enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms ahhhhh Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Resources Article 4.3 actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations: Disabled Persons Organisations Article 33 National implementation and monitoring ‘Nothing about us without us’ Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Disabled people/people with disabilities shared aspirations Resources Disabled people/people with disabilities shared aspirations Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Resources Allies Families, providers, researchers, government officials, businesses, employers etc. etc. etc. Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Our willingness to learn Resources Our hearts Our passion Our commitment Our energy Our willingness to learn Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Are we actually ready to make the shift? Keen as Outcome: a Paradigm Shift Are we actually ready to make the shift? Keen as Are we applying old ways of thinking and working? A constant challenge Are we actually thinking and working in accordance with the intent of the Convention? Having fun learning how Have we internalised how we will live, talk and work in the Convention environment? A good question Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
Agenda for Change – agreement to Collaborate Change attitudes Outcome: call from the sector Agenda for Change – agreement to Collaborate Change attitudes Comply with the CRPD Focus on access, education, service funding, abuse/safety, productivity Health & Well-being Convention: Tool for my life. 7/23/2019
three operational strategies to implement the CRPD The way forward three operational strategies to implement the CRPD Mutual Responsibility of Governments and DPO’s Partnerships with Governments, UN Organisations, DPO’s, professionals, civil society, research institutes Promoting Article 4, 32, 33: capacity building, information sharing, experiences, training programmes, research, access to scientific and technical knowledge, assistive technologies, transfer of technologies – a Catalysts for the Growth of DPO’s in each nation.