Human Factors Vehicle Flow CE-160 Transportation Engineering Week 3 Human Factors Vehicle Flow
Homework Chapter 3: 1, 7, 8, 11
Human Factors Rational design of goods and services Basic model of people in their working environments Workspace Size effects performance what is effect on transportation?
Environment Where workspace is located effects person’s performance lighting, noise, vibration, climate, pollutants Man - Machine - Environment interaction want to optimize
Human Variation Design is based on 90% of people Top and bottom 5% not in design who’s not included? Adaptation & Instruction want to limit instructions How is a car laid out? Where are the important components Commonality
Human Factors in Transportation What do we want? Primary Speed range carrying capacity Secondary Safety Comfort/Convenience Status
Human Contact Physical, Physiological, Biochemical Size Reach Strength Body Composition Perception - Reaction P-R, Info Processing, Motor Performance Cognitive and Social
Pedestrians Important piece of urban design Crosswalk placement Social distance Personal distance Intimate distance
Pedestrians How does personal space change ? Transit airplanes waiting areas cars
How big is a pedestrian?