#1 Kid comes home with an A on test. DC: Knew material. Why? CC: Studied hard. RC: Girlfriend refused big date unless he passed test. #2 Car engine dies. DC: Stopped getting gas. Why? CC: Fuel filter pluged. What caused plug? RC: Dirty gas #3 Mary had accident. DC: Did not yield (right of way). Why CC: Wasn’t paying CC: Heavy Rain attention RC: In a Hurry #4 Door locks are dead. DC: Battery dead. Why? CC:Six years old RC: Kids left radio on. #6 In-laws out of husband’s welcome. DC: Wanted time with daughter. Why? CC: Lots of time to spend. CC: Wife enjoyed them. Why does she enjoy them past husband’s limit? RC: Husband won’t communicate feelings with wife. #5 Broken window. DC: Gun went off. Why? CC: Gun was dropped. CC: Showing off gun to friend. Why was she able to show gun off? RC: Gun not locked up. Mod 3, Handout for Name That Cause
DC: Water soaked into floor. Why was there water? #7 Oak floor was damaged. Why? DC: Water soaked into floor. Why was there water? CC: Mattress leaking. Why the leak? RC: Short burned through. #8 Hole in ceiling. Why? DC: Kid slipped off rafter. Why did he slip? CC: Heavy smoke; hard to see. Why was there smoke? RC: Kids hid in attic to smoke. #9 Car exhaust loud. Why? DC: Seems to have lost the muffler. Why did the muffler break off? CC: Took one bounce CC: Badly too many on pot hole rusted. Why the hit on the pot hole? RC: Really bad winter left too many to avoid.