Inventory of Geoscience Department/Program Practices (DPI) Highlights from Cohort 1 and Cohort 2responses SAGE 2YC 2019
DPI Designed to help characterize and trace evolution of your departmental/program practices Intended to provide opportunity for you and your colleagues to reflect on what you have been doing and what you might do in the future. Some items influenced by from the PULSE (Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education) Vision and Change Rubrics 2.0 (2016). "The departmental practices inventory and program-level student success evaluation have helped me develop a better understanding of how my program and administration interact, including a better sense for how we can use data to improve our program.“
Student Success Exemplar Accomplished Developing Beginning Absent Has a written set of program-level learning outcomes/goals for students Incorporates active learning pedagogies, such as think-pair-share or other interactive lecture strategies, jigsaws, minute papers, gallery walks, or wrappers Collects and analyzes data on student success across all classes in your department or program
Student Success Exemplar Accomplished Developing Beginning Absent Collects and analyzes disaggregated data on retention and student success for students from groups that are underrepresented in the geosciences
Departmental Efforts to Broaden Participation Exemplar Accomplished Developing Beginning Absent Talk about and show examples of diverse geoscientists, including underrepresented minorities and women
Departmental Efforts to Broaden Participation Exemplar Accomplished Developing Beginning Absent Uses your geoscience courses to promote your programs Identifies potential geoscience “majors” and invites them to discuss the possibilities with a faculty member
Activity directions 2 minutes per question Individually, silently jot down responses on sticky notes as soon as they come to mind One idea per sticky! After 2 min, chart paper will move tables clockwise Repeat- silently jot down responses as they come to mind When you get your sheet back, work with your table to group the ideas into main take aways. When you’re ready- add a heading to the idea groupings Hang posters for gallery walk