Governor Wilder through Warner Government Reform A Brief History Governor Wilder through Warner and A Few Ideas to Consider
Aneesh Chopra Former Secretary of Technology “I see how much money we leave on the floor every day in Richmond and we are the best managed state in the country. Imagine how bad the other states must be!”
Reform Effort Not New • Governor Doug Wilder 1990-1992 Project Streamline • Governor George Allen 1994 Blue Ribbon Strike Force on Government Reform • VA Gov’t Competition Act 1995 Commonwealth Competition Council
Reform Efforts Con’t Governor Warner – 2002 Commission on Efficiency and Effectiveness “The Wilder Commission” AG’s Regulatory Reform Commissions Attorney General Jerry Kilgore Attorney General Bob McDonnell Council on Virginia’s Future
Project Streamline – Gov. Wilder Many Recommendations Implemented Not Implemented: •Privatize Virginia Welcome Centers
Blue Ribbon Strike Force – Gov. Allen 160 Recommendations Suggested 77.5% Fully or partially implemented 18.75% Not implemented 3.75% No longer valid
Blue Ribbon Strike Force Four Recommendations Not Implemented • Eliminate use of Maximum Employment Levels when discussing state employment and replace it with a budget control system • Increase privatization of mental health and mental retardation facilities, rehabilitation facilities and child support enforcement
Blue Ribbon Strike Force Continued • Competitively bid more road maintenance -- Interstates do it, not other roads • Abolish the Compensation Board
Commonwealth Competition Council Created in 1995 Council Members appointed by General Assembly and Governor Basically reduced to a footnote in the about 2002/03 period although Council still meets
Among its Activities when “active” CCC -- Continued Among its Activities when “active” •Worked with Sen. Walter Stosch on the Public Private Education Infrastructure Act & Public Private Transportation Act Saved Tens of Millions •Created accounting software called COMPETE could determine full cost of government services •Analysis of State Commercial Activities 37,555 FTE positions that could be competitively bid
Wilder Commission -- Governor Warner 62 Recommendations Suggested 62% Fully or partially implemented 39% Not implemented 9% No longer valid
Wilder Commission Four Recommendations Not Implemented • Consolidate/eliminate Exec agencies • Unify payroll systems for higher ed • Reduce state funding of Constitutional offices • Study privatizing ABC stores
Ideas Con’t Electronic meetings VA is an “at will” state in private sector employment. State system is more difficult to get rid of “bad” employees Create “Citizens Friendly Budget Document” –General Assembly document not adequate to any normal person Construction on campus as much as 50% higher than similar construction off campus.
Ideas Con’t Court locations Several courts are within walking distance of each other Re-establish /Rename the Commonwealth Competition Council as a major part of this reform effort and/or ….. Establish an Inspector General position Privatize and Consolidate Health & Human Services “Help Lines” into One Call Center
Ideas Con’t Organization charts Public Private Partnerships State Government as a whole Every Secretariat and Agency Public Private Partnerships Lease/lease backs – billions potentially Toll Roads, HOT lanes, even airports Missouri Bridge Idea Centralize/Privatize Eligibility/Enrollment functions for Medicaid and other health programs.
Ideas Con’t All state agencies contract for electricity under the state negotiated price 43 agencies analyzed had 200+ financial software packages State fleet maintenance competitively bid and local gov’ts could learn from this Reward costs savings ideas from state employees with percentage of savings
Allen Louderback Ideas Car Pooling to state meetings required VDOT fencing at $32,000/mile reviewed One license plate, not two County Commissioners/Treasurers Track down state debtors Sales tax collections at local level Cut state admin costs
Conclusion “ The only way we will make a better future is by making wise choices about what government does and then executing those undertakings effectively.” Bill Eggers, in his recent book, If We Can Put a Man on the Moon