Making ARCPs work for trainees
What its all about? Reference Guide to Postgraduate speciality Training The ARCP Panel is constructed in order to look at matters of educational performance, assess progression in training, and provide an opinion to the Responsible Officer (RO) in relation to Revalidation (see 7.54). However the evidence provided to the Panel may relate to other issues and concerns such as clinical safety or perceived undermining within the LEP.
outcomes 1: satisfactory progression 2: inadequate progress (no additional time required) 3: inadequate progress (additional time required) 4: released from Training Programme 5: incomplete evidence 6: all competencies gained
process Interim reviews ARCP
Interim review Mid-point (typically ~ 5 months) Usually TPD plus one other Held in Trust Everyone, face to face Relatively informal discussion (hopefully) Action plan
ARCP typically around month 11 (therefore usually June) Panel of 3, usually chaired by a TPD or HoS, plus 2 consultants 10% face to face Lay member, college assessor Usually held in central location
What do we look at? Form R – declaration of demographic details, sickness record, any investigations – links directly to RO and Revalidation Portfolio
Portfolio Overall engagement WPBAs ES reports Audit Psychotherapy Exam progress & plans Reflective practice LEADER Posters/publications/research
How can you help? Be part of the process! Regular review of trainees portfolio Facilitate WBPAs Help problem solve Keep up to date