Comparisons What could you argue? What would is most important about each work? What should be the focus of your discussion?
David Michelangelo 1501-1504 marble David Bernini 1623-1624 marble
Caravaggio The Sacrifice of Isaac 1601-02 oil on canvas Rembrandt The Sacrifice of Isaac 1655 etching
How does the physical gesture each couple employs reflect the intended content of the image? What is each image intended to argue? to employ: to put to use or service
Though seemingly similar, each image is extremely characteristic of the period in which it was made. How? Please explain.
Jan Vermeer View of Delft Baroque oil on canvas
Hunters in the Snow (January) or Return of the Hunters Pieter Bruegel the Elder oil on wood panel 1565
El Greco View of Toledo oil on canvas
Piero della Francesca Dream of Constantine fresco cycle The Legend of the True Cross Bacci Chapel, Church of San Francesco, Arezzo 1454-1458 Jan Vermeer Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window 1657
Self-Portrait Rembrandt Baroque oil on canvas Albrecht Durer Self-Portrait Renaissance oil on wood panel
Titian Venus of Urbino 1538 oil on canvas Rembrandt Bathsheba at Her Bath 1654 oil on canvas
Titian Venus of Urbino 1538 oil on canvas Diego Velázquez The Rokeby Venus or The Toliet of Venus ca. 1650 oil on canvas