Norman Macrae 1986 on Future of Education After surviving world war 2 as teen navigating planes over modernday border of Myanmar/Bangladesh- Keynes tutored Norman on how increasingly economic Theories ruled the world locking in exponentially youth’s Future possibilities. Over 40 years as The Economist’s sub-editor of end ;poverty, when Norman disagreed with a new short-term politics-economics rule- instead of endless arguments with academics or vested interests Norman found a market or a place whose future he believed youth and parents should joyfully choose future purpose of. Urgency increased from moon landing ,as Norman hypothesised the parallel Moore’s law : 1000 time more universal connectivity 2015 vs 1946- that meant if we let academic economist get one vital market wrong – energy, safety, health – then we would put all our childrens at risk and mother nature might decide our species was not longer evolutionary fit for her needs. Education in 2020s has wrong purpose unless all youth who want to be are at hard at work regenerating sustainability out of every community We apologise some lines are missing from this photocopy but we hope it offers some exponentially accelerating clues for anyone young or old who feels education isn’t yet orbiting round livelihoods under 30s need to be skilled in to be the sustainability generation linkedin Unwomens DC whatsapp 1 240 316 8157