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Final jeopardy question Vocabulary Multiply Divide Fractions Geometry 10 20 30 40
What is the answer to a multiplication problem? 10 Product What is the answer to a multiplication problem?
What are the two numbers multiplied together? 20 Factors What are the two numbers multiplied together?
30 Quotient What is the answer to a division problem?
40 Another name for the denominator of a fraction What is divisor?
10 9 x 5 What is 45?
20 22 x 4 What is 88?
30 346 x 3 What is 1,038
40 452 x 82 What is 4,264?
10 6 divided by 2 What is 3?
20 63 divided by 9 What is 7?
30 350 divided by 5 What is 70?
40 6,482 divided 3 What is 2,160 with a remainder of 2?
10 ¾ + 6/4 Solve and simplify. What is 2 ¼?
20 9/12 – 4/12 Solve and simplify. What is 5/12?
30 4/5 x 6/8 Solve and simplify. What is 3/5?
40 (5/10) / (3/5) Solve and simplify. What is 5/6?
10 A polygon with three sides and three vertices. What is a triangle?
20 Any polygon with four sides and four angles What is a quadrilateral?
30 A quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides parallel but not congruent What is a trapezoid?
40 12 sided shape What is a dodecahedron?
Final Jeopardy Question The bookstore ordered 300 books. They come in boxes that contain 25 books. You will receive how many boxes? Time is up! What is 12 boxes?