Manchester airport transport FORUM Andy Saunders Surface Access Strategy Manager
modal share Civil Aviation Authority annual survey data on passenger transport modes 2018 staff travel survey Q&A session & discussion on how to bring about behaviour change in staff travel
Passengers: SDP vs actual This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
CHALLENGES FOR PASSENGERS Road Congestion Reliability Cost and availability of public transport Viable sustainable alternatives Stimulate behavioural change
Staff Travel Survey
STAFF TRAVEL 24,000 employees on campus from more than 300 different companies. Shift work vs office hours. Limited staff car parking. Public transport challenges, especially for shift-workers. Development of Airport City North will bring in more workers.
STAFF – TRAVEL TO WORK SURVEY Undertaken November – December 2018 2,434 responses (1,833 online & 601 paper forms) Responses from a range of businesses
modal share
Staff: sdp vs actual 79% 80% 57% SURVEY RESULTS
Reasons for using mode
Encouraging use of Public Transport
Awareness of initiatives
STAFF TRAVEL – what next? New cross-campus bus links. Recent trial of Demand Responsive Transport. Feasibility study for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. Improved cycle facilities. Establish campus-wide car share scheme Improved local bus services. Improved Metrolink services.
Travel plan Objectives: Reducing the impact of staff travel on the airport and local road networks Supporting the health and wellbeing of the workforce and improving the local environment through encouraging active travel and public transport use Helping MAG to be a good neighbour through reducing the impact on the airport’s staff travel and parking on local residents and the environment Providing access to employment opportunities for non-car users
Travel plan - for all areas Current airport plus Airport City Airport City Existing Businesses + New Tenants
Improvements to the Gti Initial package of work will focus on key aspects of onward travel: The provision of travel information The retailing of travel tickets – rail, tram, coach, bus Additional ticket machines New layout and staffing provision
Two thoughts ……….#1
And ……#2 “An advanced city is not one where even the poor have cars…… But rather one where even the rich use public transport.” Enrique Penalosa, Mayor of Bogotá
Behaviour Change in Staff Travel Coming Next: Behaviour Change in Staff Travel