ESHAC #8 Safety Readiness Review 2018-04-10 Thomas Hansson, ESH
Outline Safety Readiness Reviews (SRR) ESS reviews Status and next steps Preparations for SRR1
Safety Readiness Reviews The purpose is to review readiness to safely commission/operate. It is a process by which HARDWARE, PERSONNEL and PROCEDURES associated with commissioning/operation are verified. The scope is safety, both conventional safety and ionizing radiation. The ownership of the process lies within ESH division. The scope of SRR1 (end of June 2018) is limited to the Ion Source (IS) and the Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT)
ESS Reviews SRR Describes verification activities, resources, associated requirements prior to commissioning, after parts have been built and installed. Specifying “As-built”. Reports the outcomes of the verification activities. Specifying “As-verified”. FR, system Functional Review PDR, system Preliminary Design Review CDR, system Critical Design Review FAT, system Factory Acceptance Test SAT, system Site Acceptance Test TRR, system Test Readiness Review SAR, System Acceptance Review ORR, system Operation Readiness Review ESS-0091812
Status and next steps Activity Appointment of SRR process owner (ESS-0118414) August 2017 SRR process description (ESS-0123091) January 2018 Description of needed documentation (ESS-0177837)* November 2017 Internal communication (AD Tech Board, Brightness session) November 2017 Scheduling of SRR1 for IS & LEBT Recently Invitation to internal/external SRR team Next step Proposal with Members, Invitation letter, Charge & Agenda exists since February Follow-up on progress of preparations Next step Documentation* to be distributed to SRR Committee Members 18th of June Safety Readiness Review of IS & LEBT (1,5 day) Last week of June
Preparations for SRR1 (IS & LEBT) Documentation needed prior to a SRR. Possible to provide 1 concluding document with references. Descriptions of expectations on the documentation is found in ESS-0177837. Design descriptions purpose of the system technical solution, derived from relevant requirements Architecture description the specific system, involved equipment and devices. interfacing systems appropriate pictures and schematics Concept of Operations scope of proposed testing. operation modes of the system, including maintenance needed operators, disciplines, training requirements list of the specific individuals that are qualified to operate the system Requirements Specification Test envelope limitations and conditions Hazard identification Safety systems, belonging administrative procedures and their limits and conditions Descriptions of the derived requirements for safety systems (engineered controls) together with a description of the administrative procedures (administrative controls) which should include both the perspective of prevention and mitigation. required personal protective equipment. procedures describing handling of deviation from the testing envelope Interface descriptions interfaces / boundaries (access control, ventilation, power supply, etc.) Integration Plan includes intermediate demonstrations (for instance for belonging supporting systems and/or safety systems) finally leading to test readiness of the specific system of interest. can refer to already performed verification of required subsystems supporting systems and/or safety systems. Operation and maintenance documents allowed testing envelope from an operator point of view specific operating and maintenance procedures A list of the safety systems (engineered controls) together with alarm response procedures (administrative controls), that shall be available for the operators. Verification Plan detailed steps to be followed to verify a system meeting requirements who when and where responsibilities of each participant and the documents to be prepared as a record consider validation plans, and even validation reports, from underlying subsystems. Verification Report Identifies the type of verification performed and reports on the results also cover “Lessons learned” in order to share gained experience
Thank you! Questions?
How do activities relate to each other? Backup slide How do activities relate to each other? “Internal readiness” is owned by the System Owners and accomplished by: lower level SAR and ORR for all concerned sub-systems (for instance “sub-system level” below) the specific level of TRR (for instance “ESS level” below) A SRR is an independent review of the safety aspects, after the corresponding TRR.
ESS Management System Expectations Backup slide ESS Management System Expectations ESSMS expectation SRR focus prior to commissioning Comment Design descriptions Description of the purpose of the system and the technical solution. Architecture description Description of the system, involved equipment and devices. Concept of Operations Descriptions of operation modes including maintenance modes and need of operators, their disciplines and their training requirements. Requirements Specification Descriptions of operational limits and conditions for the specific testing envelope, belonging hazard identification together with the requirements for engineered controls and administrative controls (preventing and/or mitigating controls). Interface descriptions Interfaces and boundaries to the surrounding structures, systems and components, for instance access control, supporting systems, power supply, etc. Integration Plan The integration plan is expected already in connection to the CDR, and includes intermediate demonstrations finally leading to the main validation activity; commissioning. Operation and maintenance documents The specific operating and maintenance procedures including the allowed testing envelope, list of administrative and engineered controls together with emergency response procedures. Verification Plan Prior to any verification activity a test readiness review (TRR) will assess the maturity of the resources for supporting the verification activities for a system (test stand accessibility, test equipment readiness, availability of the personnel). The System Verification Plan documents the detailed steps to be followed to verify and ensure that a product or system meets its specific list of requirements. The verification plan defines: who does the verification; when and where it is to be done; the responsibilities of each participant before, during, and after each verification; the hardware and software to be used (and other systems if applicable); and the documents to be prepared as a record of the verification activity. Could also consider validation plans, and even validation reports, from underlying subsystems. Verification Report - Identifies the type of verification performed and reports on the results of the verification activities.