Sept. 5th & 6th Daily Agenda Mrs Bly Eng 4
Sept. 5th = A day Sept. 6th= B day Take out your agenda and write down the homework: 1.Voc 1- “complete” & “syn/ant” 2. Do Inside Central High Power Point (Fill out your worksheet at home using the power point that is posted on Mrs. Bly’s website) 3. Use Class Procedures Study Guide to study for the TEST NEXT CLASS NOTE: Senior Guidance Today P1= 8:05- 9:05 P5= 11:20- 12:20 P2= 10:15- 11:15 P6= 1:25- 2:25 P3= 1:00-2:00
Senior Guidance: Counselor Alpha Breakdown Counselor Room for Senior Conference A-Da Mrs. Stapleton MPR De-H Ms. Lichter CCC I-Mc Mrs. Mckenna/Nelson MPR Me-R Mrs. McHugh Room 101(Wellness Center) S-Z Mrs. Sunada Choir Room (319)
Journal #1:Warriors (write that as your title) Directions: Respond to the following prompt. You will have 15-20 minutes. You may address SOME of the prompt or ALL of the prompt. In order to receive a stamp, you must: 1. Reach the bottom of the page with your writing 2. Do not talk during the journal time I will play classical music to remind you not to talk
Title: Journal #1: Warriors What do you think changes the world? Think of specific incidents in history (including the civil rights movement) that changed the world. Consider: Anthropologist Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Have you ever been part of something that you believe could change/impact the world? If you haven’t, what do you wish you could do to change the world (or nation or community or this school or your friend group) and impact history?
Kahoot! Play Kahoot – These ARE the test questions! Take notes on your study guide ! It is IN ORDER of the Kahoot game.
Due to Senior Guidance, complete Inside Central High PPT as HOMEWORK . Find the Inside Central High Power Point on the website. Fill out Warriors Notes handout for this section only.
END CLASS REMEMBER YOUR CLASS PROCEDURES TEST IS NEXT CLASS USE THE STUDY GUIDE TO STUDY ALSO- see Mrs. Bly IF you have a seating preference that increases your ability to learn (vs. I want to sit by my friend)