¡¡¡ 35-50% blindness ¡¡¡¡¡ Epidemiology: Etiopía Ahmara: TF + TI:70% TT: 3.5-7.3% - Tigray: TF + TI :39,6% TT: 3.3% - South: TF + TI :50-90% TT:3% ¡¡¡ 35-50% blindness ¡¡¡¡¡
Outreach Camps:Why? Bring the service to the people rather than expecting them travel long distances Screen patients for cataracts and trachoma Perform lid surgery for trichiasis / ectropion More economical as compared to the Base Hospital People doesn´t come in rainy season The people don´t have a place to stay in town Don´t separate from their family
Outreach Camps:How? Inform the local staff They notify the local habitants in market day when countryside people come toghether for the market. -We prepare all the material need for the operation. -We operated in health centers and clinics
Outreach Camps: How? Before surgery we teach patiens health educations to the group of patiens , about face washing , sanitation , keep the enviroiment clean , getting rid of flies Eight times: Four Trachoma / Four cataract Each one at least five days Time average: 20 minutes both eyes Postoperative follow up:After a week remove the suture
How to improve triquiasis surgery Surgery must be done in the own village A small number of triquiasis syugeons may produce better results Careful sterilization of instruments and sutures All the patiens must be warn that the triquiasis may recur and they should seek help if the symptons retorn Keep good records of each patient:address ,VA, operation done surgeon Audit the results of each surgeon to improve it
Surgical Camps : 2004 Total : 5824
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