I, TOO Langston Hughes
Allusion Allusion is a reference to something from history, literature, current events, or popular culture found within another work. Place a wavy line under any lines that are allusion to another work and explain/write next to the line the specific reference made.
Structure The poem is broken into stanzas (poem paragraphs) to show a shift in idea, time, or place. Hughes breaks his stanzas to highlight the shift in time and thought process during that time period. In the margins, number the stanzas and mark which represents: Past (if this exists) Present (if this exists) Future (if this exists)
Transition words can indicate a time relationship Transition words can indicate a time relationship. Place a cloud around the transition words that show the shift from the past to the present or from the present to the future. Structure
What historical perspectives or information made you categorize the stanzas as past, present, and future? Structure
Repetition Repetition is the literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer or more memorable. What words or phrases are repeated throughout "I, Too?" Highlight these.
What ideas/ thoughts is Hughes trying to make clearer or more memorable with the repetition of these words/phrases/ or lines? Focus on each example of repetition individually. Repetition
The speaker draws attention to the significance of eating in the kitchen. What is this idea supposed to symbolize? Repetition
Connotation Connotation is the emotional attachment associated with a word or phrase. Mark all the words that create a positive connotation with a star on the word. Circle all words that create a negative connotation.
In literature, tone is the attitude or approach that the author takes toward the work’s central theme or subject. Based on connotation and imagery, what is the tone with which Hughes describes his American Dream? More than one word is needed. Connotation
How does the shift in setting from the kitchen to the table impact the tone of the poem? Connotation
Persona When an author uses a first-person narrator (I, me, we), he or she needs to have a voice, or verbal personality, for that narrator, especially if the narrator is a character in the work. This is called a persona. A persona is a personality or identity that is not supposed to be that of the author but becomes the speaker in the work. At the bottom of the page, write down what kind of character you feel the persona represents (Age, ethnicity, income level, education, upbringing, etc.)
Based on what we know about Hughes, how does this persona mirror/represent his beliefs or ideas? ?
Who is "they" or the "other" in the poem. How do you know Who is "they" or the "other" in the poem? How do you know? What is the relationship between the persona and the "they" or "other" in the poem? There are more answers than just one. Persona
Imagery The title of the poem is, "I, Too (Sing America)." Draw a picture or image on the top of the page that this title brings to your mind. Be prepared to defend your image.
Does your image contain personification (human-like qualities given to something that is not living)? Why or why not? Imagery
What senses are represented predominately throughout the poem What senses are represented predominately throughout the poem? Draw an eye in the margin for vision, an ear in the margin for sound, a hand in the margin for touch, a nose for smell, and lips for taste. Why do you feel Hughes selected a variety of senses, rather than one predominately? Imagery
Vision/Perspective According to analysis of "I, Too," how would you describe Hughes' America? America is.....
How is America presented in the poem How is America presented in the poem? How does it make you feel about being American? Vision
The poem "I,Too" by Langston Hughes is about (theme word)____ and reveals (message about life)_______ Vision/Theme