Recipes for good Writers “the process to be a good writer” ELACCW4, ELACCW5
Prewriting- “time to think” Ideas and content Planning Graphic organizers Lists This is where all my ideas come together
Drafting- “Time to Write” Organization Putting ideas down on paper Presentation- is this a letter, essay, editorial, what format do I use? The order I want to write them (introduction, paragraphs to support main idea, conclusion) Go with the flow of your ideas Don’t worry about conventions just yet This is where I put my ideas together
Revising- “time to improve my writing” Word choice Sentence fluency Conventions (spelling, capitalization, punctuation) Sensible order Should I add or take out parts Are details clear This is where I improve my ideas and organization
Publishing- “time to get ready to share my writing” Presentation- double check format- letter, essay, editorial? Best penmanship Be neat This is where I neatly copy over my improved work
Proofreading- “time to make last minute corrections” Reread one last time This is where I take the final look