Your Awesome Counselors: 8th Grade Registration Your Awesome Counselors: Mr. Morgan A-De Ms. Christensen Di-Ha Ms. Thomas He-O Ms. Gerber P-Z
Why Eisenhower Junior High is the Best! Block scheduling Daily math Variety of classes (honors, electives, foreign languages) Variety of clubs and sports Incentive Programs 200 Club No Tardy Party 5 Star General The best teachers and administrators around!!
IF YOU ARE… Please write DI on both registration forms next to your name label if you are in the Dual Immersion Program. Please write GT on both registration forms next to your name label if you are in ANY G/T classes this year.
Choosing Your Classes… Counselors will identify ESL/Resource students English (every day) Regular or Honors US History (every other day) Science (every other day) Math (every day)
Honors Classes (English, Social Studies, Science, Math) Students and parents have the option of enrolling into honor level classes. How are honor classes different than regular classes? Faster pace More homework More reading More writing More independent projects Possible summer homework Parents must sign registration card AND honors letter before student can be enrolled into these classes!
Choosing Your Classes… PE and Health Every 8th grader has to take at least 1 semester of PE! Every 8th grader has to take 1 semester of Health! Digital Literacy EVERY 8th grader must take this semester class!! Elective choices Year-long descriptions Semester descriptions MUST RANK TOP 8 SEMESTER ELECTIVES
AVID Applications are due to Ms. Dawe or Ms. Moore ASAP!! AVID is a class which prepares students for getting into and being successful in college. It is a class that teaches school skills such as note taking, asking good questions, working with others, reading, and writing. You get to work in groups to help each other on work you’re confused in in your classes, like math, science, English, or history. To take AVID you need to be taking at least one honors class next year. You need to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA to stay in AVID. Grades 7-9 can sign up for this class. Applications are due to Ms. Dawe or Ms. Moore ASAP!!
Student Government (SBO) SBOs plan and run four assemblies throughout the year. They plan spirit week . They make posters and bulletins to let you know what’s going on around the school. They do service projects. Learn about leadership. Tryouts will be in march – applications to try out will be available in February.
Apply for Eisenhower’s LIA Class 2019-2020 Attend college campus field trips Go tutoring at Fremont Elementary one day a week Strengthen your community Build leadership skills Learn about different job skills Year long elective Must maintain a 3.0 GPA $10 class fee Admission by application only
Take Theatre classes at Eisenhower Jr. High! You can even audition for Drama Company, our advanced performance group, on Feb 20th & 21st Go to for more information. We can’t wait to meet you!
Dance @ EJH Join the FUN! Dance 1A Dance 1B Dance 2A Social Dance Dance Company
Dance Company Auditions February 6th & 7th Must attend both days! Bring: Dance Clothing Water Bottle A one minute dance that shows off your best moves!
Sign up for a FACS Class next year! 8th Grade FACS: FACS A-Sewing and Interior Design FACS B- Foods, Childcare, and Teen living
World Language We offer French and Spanish If your student takes a world language in 8th grade, he/she will receive high school graduation credit. These are rigorous courses which take time and effort!
Invite Only Classes SBO: Application; See Ms. Mauer LIA: Application; See Ms. Burgon AVID: Application; See Ms. Dawe or Ms. Moore DANCE CO. Tryouts Feb 6th & 7th: See Ms. Kesner-Steinburg DRAMA CO. Tryouts; Feb 20th & 21st: See Ms. Ansted STAGE CREW: Application; Feb 20th & 21st: See Ms. Roh ENCORE (Vocal Ensemble); Tryouts; Feb 13th & 14th: See Ms. Roh CHEER: Tryouts; March 4-7th 6:15-7:30am; Parent meeting Friday, March 1st; Coach Jessica Garcia
Rank Top 8 semester electives; #1=class you want the most!
Important Info Registration packets must be signed by a parent and returned to the counseling center by January 30th! Limited number of candy bars for students that turn in registration cards TOMORROW! If you do not return your registration card, counselors will choose your classes!!!!!!!!!!!!!