WG4 sessions 2 and 3 Cryomodule Designs
WG4 session 2: Cryomodule Designs Ed DALY, Tom NICOL, Stephane BERRY Comparison between warm strongback, spaceframe, DESY-style, etc. Peter MCINTOSH (HILUMI) Crab cavity cryostat design, cavity support, and alignment Kenji SAITO, Sam MILLER (FRIB) Top loading vs. "Butter dish" design for quarter and half-wave cavity cryostats
WG4 session 3: Cryomodule Designs Thursday 7/2 Naeem HUQUE SNS and LCLS-II at Jefferson Lab Douglas HOLMES SRF cavity and cryomodule conceptual designs for eRHIC Dr. Naruhiko SAKAMOTO Design, assembly, transportation of the cryomodule for SRILAC, heavi-ion, CW Florian DZIUBA Conceptual Cryomodule Design for the CW HElmholtz LInear Accelerator at GSI Tom NICOL lesson learnt BONUS Support post failure in CM2 (ILC-style cryomodule) at Fermilab
Next presentation outline Configurations overview (Tom) Bathtub type: (top loading/intermediate temp. cavity support) Gas return pipe: LCLS-II/XFEL (side loaded cryomodule / cold cavity support) Strong back PIP-II (side loaded cryomodule / warm cavity support) Comparison table Detailed designs PIP-II details (Tom) SNS (Ed) (side loaded cryomodule / warm cavity support) ESS design (side loaded cryomodule / warm cavity support) IFMIF design (side loaded cryomodule) DONES improvement based on Ifmif design (top loading) SARAF design (top loading)