Example: time, home, game Ms. Taylor 2nd Grade 770-578-7200 jessica.taylor2@cobbk12.org Ms. Taylor’s Sailors Week of January 8, 2018 A Peek at Our Week WEEKLY HOMEWORK Reading: Ask and Answer Questions We will learn how to ask and answer questions such as who, what, when, where, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Writing Choose a writing prompt from the January writing calendar Spend time editing/ revising once you have finished your piece Math: Place Value We will review reading and writing numbers to 1,000. We will also learn how to compare two 3-digit numbers using <, >, and = symbols. Math IXL Play “Fruit Splat Comparing Numbers” Play “Tat’s a Fact” to practice addition/ subtraction facts. Writing: Opinion Writing We will learn how to write an opinion piece by introducing the topic, stating an opinion, supplying reasons that support the opinion, using linking words and providing a closing statement. Spelling Choose an activity from the January Speller’s Choice activity sheet S.O.S for the weekly words – climb, write, and laugh Reading Read aloud for 20 minutes Raz Kids Science: Civil Rights We will identify and describe the contributions of Martin Luther King, Jr. S.S./ Science Read the biography of Martin Luther King Jr. on PebbleGo and write 3 facts you learned. PebbleGo is on Mackinvia. Directions are on the class blog. Class Blog: http://www.cobblearning.net/taylor2/ Spelling & Word Study Spelling/ Reading Rule Language Skill Mark Your Calendar Magic E By adding the silent e to the end of a syllable, it makes the vowel say its name. The pattern of the Magic E rule is: vowel-consonant-silent e (v-c-e) Example: time, home, game Proper Nouns We will review capitalizing proper nouns in our writing. January 11 - Café Staff Appreciation Day January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School) January 23 – School wide STEM Night (6:00- 7:30PM) Weekly Words climb, write, laugh