Shifting the Burden to the Intervenor The archetype whereby a systems grows increasingly dependent on an outside intervenor to help it function. In the short-term this works, but in the long term they system is unable to function on its own and eventually fails to perform.
The Costs of Shifting The mechanisms to control from within atrophy. The system lowers its ability to adaptively restructure. Example: The child may lose its natural sense of independence. The intervener may never be able (or want to) relinquish authority. If he or she does, the system may experience readjustment difficulties. Example: The child may only be assertive in the presence of its parents. There are short-term benefits to shift, but long-term costs.
Ways to Avert Ask yourself, do I need the intervener? Can I do it myself? Provide the internal mechanisms to adapt. Identify addictive behaviors. Strengthen the long-term solutions. See choices in a fresh way and shun habitual responses.