Vocabulary Acquisition and the Common Core By Regina Brackney EDT 453 Tuesday Class
Common Core: Language Strand: 4 Language Acquisition & Use CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies from context sentence-reference materials. CCSS.ELA-Literacy. L.3.4a: sentence level context CCSS.ELA-Literacy. L.3.4b: determine the meaning of a word when the affix is added. CCSS.ELA-Literacy. L.3.4c: root words for meaning. CCSS.ELA-Literacy. L.3.4d: use glossaries and dictionaries through digital and print.
Common Core: Language Strand: 4 Language Acquisition & Use: context and reference materials Reading: Helps improve fluency and comprehension. Writing: Helps us understand the meaning of the text. Speaking: Helps us become a better speaker through having a larger vocabulary. Listening: Phonological Awareness
Context Clues Steps (Graves, 2002) For Students For Teachers Identify the unknown word. Look for the words that give hints about its meaning in the sentence. If you need more cues, read the sentences before and after the one with the word in it. Infer the word’s meaning based on what you found. Then model it… “As Tom stepped out of the tent, the moist grass soaked his shoes and he wondered if it had rained.” Say aloud… “The grass is moist. It soaks Tom’s shoes. Tom thinks it rained. Rain makes things wet. Moist must mean…..” “Now try ‘wet’ in place of moist to see if it makes sense.”
Context Clue Examples: Guiding Reading and Interactive Writing and Assessment of skills
Affixes and Root Words: Assessment
Glossary and Dictionary Use
https://quizlet.com/8606066/flashcards Volcanoes! Graphic Organizer Quizlet https://quizlet.com/8606066/flashcards
Glass Frog YouTube video
A Rainforest Find (scholastic, 2014) http://commoncore.scholastic.com/sites/default/files/See-Through%20Frog.pdf (in last paragraph) In the article, the word unusual is used to mean? Common Exciting Uncommon Important Finding a new species is not that unusual. Each year scientists discover about 15,000 of them. Glass Frogs
Activities and Games Graphic organizers Worksheets Charts Posters Scattergories Taboo Crossword puzzles Boggle Upwords Balderdash Prop box
Reference: Common Core Standards (2015), Language Arts. Print. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=pictures+of+vocab+worksheets&view=detailv2&qpvt=pictures+of+vocab+worksheets&id=5ECBB8961C4EFD0B9EABE3F861271C2D278DFF09&selectedIndex=2&ccid=T%2fWZhREf&simid=608028526657865315&thid=OIP.M4ff59985111f963de070086865270d38o0&ajaxhist=0 https://quizlet.com/8606066/flashcards http://commoncore.scholastic.com/sites/default/files/See-Through%20Frog.pdf http://www.softschools.com/facts/animals/glass_frog_facts/291/