CONTENT Sense of protagonist’s nature is revealed . 10 Antagonist revealed. 10 Conflict revealed. 10 Resolution (or reasons why it can’t be resolved) revealed. 5 Name of character.5 Name of book. 5 Name of author.5 Setting revealed when possible. 5
POETIC FORM Followed perfectly __ 10 Followed with one or two errors___ 7 Followed with more than two errors___ 5
GRAMMAR, USAGE and MECHANICS Perfect - 5 One or two errors – 3 More - 0 Sentences flow…make sense. Capitalization is used correctly. Punctuation is used correctly. (Periods end sentences, quotes where needed, commas where needed, title of book is underlined or italized.)
PRESENATION Font is correct size for paper (not too large or small for poem) 5 Contrast in font color and paper color make the poem readable. 5 An eye-catching visual is used. 5 Name and period number are typed in lower right hand corner. 5