Circuit board trace (foil) needs to be cut in three places, see arrows.
Solder two wires as shown to bridge the cuts in the trace Solder two wires as shown to bridge the cuts in the trace. The two arrows mark where the positive power enters the relay control coil. (The relays are controlled by the SG2100 logic circuit on the negative side of the relay coils)
Solder wire for external positive power for the motor at arrow.
Add negative external power wire at arrow
Open drain hole to 3/16”, at arrow (hole not visible) and route wires around side of circuit board and through the 3/16” hole. (note, the wires are visible, but are covered with black heat shrink tubing)
Apply power with correct polarity to the external wires from a regulated 18 to 20 volt laptop power supply. The load of the positioner motor is now supplied by the external power supply. Note- the coaxial voltage will supply the SG2100 logic circuits, so both voltage sources will need to be present to operate the motor.