North Rhine-Westphalia by Gina, Sheila, Celina, Jale, Kimmy, Joan
Position in Germany Here you see a map of Germany. The dark green coloured area is North Rhine- Westphalia.
Coat of arms There is the coat of arms since 1948. On the left side you see the Rhine. On the right side you see the Sachsenross. Below you see the Lippische Rose.
Some information about North Rhine-Westphalia North Rhine-Westphalia is 34.084 km² in size. In North Rhine-Westphalia live 17,84 million people. North Rhine-Westphalia is 34.084 km² large.
The capital The capital is Düsseldorf Residents: 593.682 Area: 217km²
The Rhine The Rhine is 1.233 km long. The Rhine leads through whole NRW
The forest area is 915.800 ha in size.
The three important cities in NRW Düsseldorf (capital city) Köln (Cologne) Dortmund
Sights of NRW: Opening: 1322 Height: 157 metres Kölner Dom Opening: 1322 Height: 157 metres It is a catholic church in Köln. (Cologne)
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal in Porta Opening: 1892-1896 Height: 88 metres origin: Kaiser Wilhelm. He was the first emperor of Germany. Right name: Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig von Preußen.
Movie Park Germany There are 40 attractions and there are many events. It was opened in 1996. The different areas: The old west, Hollywood, Street Set, Streets of New York and Santa Monica.
Starlight express It´s a musical in wich the actors drive with roller skates. It is an experience in itself. Here is a picture:
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