Summary from Africa and ASEAN assistance Dr. Peter Pembleton, UNIDO Overview Summary from Africa and ASEAN assistance Dr. Peter Pembleton, UNIDO
Topics from framework Government actions, e.g. trade policies removal of technical, legal and administrative barriers to technology transfer sound economic policy regulatory frameworks and transparency Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
UNIDO past assistance… …aimed to mobilize national & (sub-) regional capacity & develop mechanisms that support industry in the context of the Convention & its Protocol Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
…had 3 phases National review of industry & past CC/CDM activities—background studies Detailed capacity & targeted technology needs assessments—preparatory assistance Programme implementation—learning-by-doing Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
…included activities National reviews of needs for (national experts consulting with key stakeholders) Technology in (2) energy-intensive industrial sectors / country + Related capacity Barriers to be removed Determination of key stakeholders Examination of SD / SID objectives & indicators Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
…included activities National development of (teams of national experts in full consultation with key stakeholders) Preliminary portfolio of industrial (CDM) projects + related Barrier removal strategies ‘Integrated’ capacity building programme Public-private partnerships Network & knowledge base Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
…determined groups of needs Increased information and awareness Technical advisory services Improved legal / regulatory environment Improved economic framework Better flows of FDI and finance Improved institutional support for all the above Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
… & proposed interventions Technology & energy Investment Legislation / Regulations Information Tools NB: the focus of UNIDO’s assistance was primarily on industry & the CDM but most of the results are valid also for the Convention & the technology framework! The following were recommended in Africa Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
Regional interventions Harmonize policies Review national and regional investment, trade, environment and technology / technology transfer policies Identify gaps / differences / sensitize policy makers on the need to incorporate climate change issues in (regional) investment, trade, and technology transfer policies Improve financial flows Develop a Sustainable Industrial Development Fund Improve norms / standards Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
National interventions Develop appropriate legal framework and national legislation & improve the business environment developed, implemented and enforced policy, legal and regulatory instruments undertake surveys and seek consensus of key stakeholders through workshops, seminars, reviews inter alia on the following topics Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
National interventions (contd)… Incorporate and ratify UNFCCC protocols and mechanisms into national laws Remove import duties and taxes on imported technologies Reduce and simplify investment approvals and procedures and licence fees Develop and implement fiscal and monetary incentives to encourage and promote efficient use of energy (includes review of energy pricing & subsidies on fossil fuels based technologies) Privatise key agro-based industries Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
National interventions (contd)… Develop physical infrastructure and open to private investors Increase public funds allocated to development of innovation systems, structures and institutions Create venture capital to support innovation Reduce bank interest rates Achieve macro-economic stability Achieve political stability and good governance Reduce time required to settle commercial disputes Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
Investment Investment opportunities Costs of investments BOO/BOT Joint Venture Financial schemes Risks / security / insurance Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
Legislation/regulations Incorporation of international treaties into national legal system Regulatory framework for technology transfer Adequacy of the intellectual property protection legislation Governments’ investment related policies and legislation vis-a-vis technology transfer Capacity to sufficiently negotiate technology transfer arrangements Dispute settlement in technology transfer Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
Programme outputs Enabling environment: Institutional set up for performing (CDM) project cycle functions Capacity to manage processes related to the transfer, adoption, adaptation & absorption of technologies Improved regulatory structures Improved national/regional policies (trade, environment and technology transfer) Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003
Programme outputs Inclusion of (CDM) investment by traditional national/regional institutions in their lending portfolio Improved financial base for local companies to implement (CDM) projects Improved import duties & taxes Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer, Ghent, 9-10 April 2003