DHRA COR Academy J. T. Friel Chief Acquisition Support Office Headquarters, Defense Human Resources Activity (DHRA) 06 MAR 2019
Agenda Overview Implementation Plan CY’19 Training Future Developments Questions
Overview Mission: The mission of the DHRA COR academy is to strategically collaborate with Contracting Officers, Contract Specialists, and COR’s to develop training and provide mission essential solutions for COR related functions. Purpose: The purpose of the DHRA COR Academy is provide support and training to CORs beyond the standard DHRA COR training requirements. Tailored training will be provided on topics that are essential to the DHRA Enterprise.
Implementation Plan Phase I (Assessment): PK will conduct a full assessment of the COR program. The assessment will consist of reviewing COR file audit findings, interviews with the COR Program Manager, questionnaires for Contracting Officers, Contract Specialists, CORs, and COR Supervisors and a review of current DoD COR policy. Phase II (Data Evaluation/ Planning): PK will review data collected from the assessments, identify common problem areas, and evaluate alternative solutions based on the findings. Additionally, PK will review and refine (if necessary) current resources. Phase III (Execution): PK will host a Fall COR Symposium tailored to address the most pressing issues identified from the assessments, plan training for CY 2020, and rollout new or updated resources. Phase IV (Re-evaluation): PK will review feedback provided from the training sessions and re-evaluate the COR program to measure progress and assist in planning for CY 2020.
CY’19 Training This checklist applies to services or supplies that could be procured from OASIS, GSA, or SEWP only
Future Developments A tab on the PK website serving as the central location for COR templates, training requirements, training slides, FAQs, lessons learned, and other materials. Dedicated mailbox for submission of questions/issues. DEOC Newsletter Column SharePoint Single Point of Entry
QUESTIONS? Check with Tammy first!