Developing Effective Countywide Farmland Protection Plans


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Effective Countywide Farmland Protection Plans Ted Feitshans Brandon King N.C. State University Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Support Additional support provided through the “Understanding the Farm Business Planning and Tax Implications of Federal and State Conservation Incentives” project funded by the Southern Region Risk Management Education Center

Model Documents Models available at this URL: Flexible documents - modify as needed Notes provide additional explanation Review by legal counsel and others is required

Model Documents Model currently in DRAFT format Model comments can be e-mailed to or

Model Documents Countywide Farmland Protection Plan Follows requirements in N.C.G.S. § 106-744 (e) Created from other farmland protection plans Footnotes are contained in the model plan

Farmland Protection Planning Described in N.C.G.S. § 106-744 (e) Statute does not currently provide for a municipal farmland protection plan Municipalities could establish one under their existing planning authority

Farmland Protection Planning Few counties in N.C. currently have a Countywide Farmland Protection Plan Some counties do have land use plans that contain some of the information necessary for a countywide farmland protection plan already What needs to be in a plan…

Countywide Farmland Protection Planning – Statutory Elements A list and description of existing agricultural activity in the county A list of existing challenges to continued family farming in the county A list of opportunities for maintaining or enhancing small, family‑owned farms and the local agricultural economy Plans for maintaining a viable agricultue Implementation schedule

Farmland Protection Planning Farmland preservation tools: Agricultural economic development Farm diversification and marketing assistance Business planning Farm infrastructure financing Farmland purchasing Linking with younger farmers Estate planning Ag conservation easement (PDR) programs and VAD and EVAD programs

Farmland Protection Planning Need to also consider land use regulations such as zoning and coordination with comprehensive land use plans Schedule for implementing the plan and an identification of possible funding sources for the long‑term support of the plan

Farmland Protection Planning Countywide Farmland Protection Plan could be a section of the comprehensive land use plan, or It may stand alone To be useful it must be a living document with grassroots support

Farmland Protection Planning Why do a plan? Assess the state of farming and forestry in the county Coordinate activities, agencies, and funding for farmland, horticultural land, and forestland preservation Lower matching percentage required for funds received from Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund if county has a plan

Farmland Protection Planning Resources Available To Assist NCDA&CS Cooperative Extension Division of Soil and Water Conservation County and Municipal Planning Departments Councils of Government N.C. Farm Transition Network Private Planning Firms