Practical Differentiation @Sue_Cowley
Start with the Learners: A Place
Start with the Learners: A Hobby
Start with the Learners Something nobody knows about you …
Start with the Learners: A Story
What ‘Differences’ Are There? Attention spans Levels of interest in the subject Prior experience of the subject Levels of motivation Preferred ways of learning Speeds of working/writing Age within the year group Maturity in comparison to peers Self confidence/self esteem Ability to self regulate Knowledge about the world Life experiences Language/vocabulary skills Communication skills Physical, psychological needs Social/cultural backgrounds Number of settings attended Faith backgrounds Time spent in education/school Learners with SEND or EAL
Getting to Know Your Learners What do they know/like/enjoy/do/know about? Liase: previous setting/teachers, parents, SENDCO Transitions and portfolios Formative and summative assessment Observations and ‘listening in’ What are the ‘next steps’?
Thinking Next Steps
One Task : Many Levels
Relevance: What’s in a Name? Helicopter
What Can I Differentiate? complexity of task type or form of task amount and type of support type of resources timings and targets attainment mix of groups structure of groups type of assessment individual assessment targets focus of assessment
What Can I Differentiate? amount of repetition complexity of vocabulary level of conceptual abstraction type of questions approaches to task role of learners choices about form/resources choices about tasks/timing and if all else fails, outcomes
Differentiation for Learners with EAL Avoid idioms Preteach content Use self and parallel talk Offer chances to use the home language Talk about language as well as curriculum
Differentiation for Learners with SEND Knowledge of SEND is key Use visual aids Think about seating positions Abstract concept – concrete activity Think laterally about ways to record ideas
Differentiation for All Learners 3 column questions ‘Top and tail’ your planning ‘You be teacher’ Choices to stretch/challenge Take care with scaffolds – they can encourage over reliance
The Myth of Average “You’ve literally designed it for nobody The Myth of Average “You’ve literally designed it for nobody.” Todd Rose – TedX Sonoma County
Some Questions to Take Away Which differentiation strategies do you use that you can’t put on a lesson plan? How well do you know your learners? What areas of SEND knowledge do you need to develop? How much ownership do your children have of their learning? How do you motivate children to be independent learners?