Portfolio Development
LOAN STATISTICS May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Approved Loan Amount May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Approved Loan Amount 47,419,530 51,903,456 55,039,656 59,373,700 Total Outstanding Loans 35,174,189 38,475,744 40,128,285 42,905,046 Approved Guarantee Amount 22,636,820 24,753,983 26,256,183 28,421,383 Total Outstanding Guarantees 16,750,325 18,304,942 19,092,757 20,454,870 No of Loans 1,282 1,386 1,468 1,548
LOAN DISTRIBUTION BY REGION Loans by Regions No of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount Ferizaj / Uroševac 110 4,654,100 2,208,400 Gjakovë / Djakovica 64 2,207,000 1,058,500 Gjilan /Gnjilane 90 2,999,000 1,415,100 Mitrovicë/ Mitrovica 85 2,816,000 1,201,150 Pejë / Peć 118 4,629,500 2,271,535 Prishtinë / Priština 884 33,152,600 15,872,050 Prizren 197 8,915,500 4,338,170 Total 1,548 59,373,700 28,364,905
LOANS BY SECTORS Main Sectors No of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount No Of Employees Proj. No Of Empl.* Wholesale & Retail Trade 625 25,197,400 12,102,830 2,400 3,230 Services 465 15,401,000 7,334,200 3,476 4,148 Manufacturing Products 267 10,813,300 5,126,340 1,498 1,911 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 106 3,984,000 1,911,285 293 452 Construction 85 3,978,000 1,890,250 698 883 Total 1,548 59,373,700 28,364,905 8,365 10,624 * This is an estimation reported by the beneficiaries
LOAN PURPOSE Purpose of the Loans Number of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount Construction/Renovation/ Land 364 15,976,800 7,482,940 Equipment 429 18,084,600 8,664,265 Working Capital 563 18,992,700 9,200,750 Other 192 6,319,600 3,016,950 Total 1,548 59,373,700 28,364,905