SC6 Valves and Wellhead Equipment February 22, 2011 SC6 Valves and Wellhead Equipment Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Sterling Lewis Chris Ohman Roy Benefield API Staff Ed Baniak TG2 Wellhead Standards Revisions and Corrections TG3 Wellhead Design In Standards and TRs Resource Group on Tree and Wellhead Resource Group on Materials TG1 Pipeline and Valve Standards Tim Haeberle David Zollo Kenneth Young Eric Wehner WG 14H Revision Joel Russo Rashmi Bhavsar Gary Kingry Paul Maxwell Rick Faircloth Mike Larkin Austin Freeman Jean Brunjes David Zollo John Fowler Wen Zhixiong Lester Burgess Kenneth Young Mike Briggs Bob Barnett Kris Ohman John McCaskill David Comeaux Rodger Lawson John Fowler Austin Freeman Sterling Lewis Mike Larkin Austin Freeman Jean Brunjes David Zollo John Fowler Lester Burgess Kenneth Young Bob Barnet Kris Ohman John McCaskill David Comeaux Rodger Lawson Ian Hardy Henry Wong Bob Schmidt Austin Freeman David Mefford Ed Pearson Roy Edwards Engin Gulgun Larry Skoda Jean-Michel Rivereau John Icenhower Morg Bruck Roy Benefield DonMonroe John Fowler Robert J. Appleby George Moran Mike Feeley Mark Lewandowski Rodger Lawson T. C. (TOM) Slimmon Howard Chiang Alfred Kruijer Justine Grimes Billy Daigle David Comeaux WG 6A Clad Quality Mike Briggs Work Items 6A718 New grades 6A718 New CRAs 6A718 Etchant WG 6AV1 Revision Austin Freeman WG 6HT Revision WG 6A “API” Marking Work Items 6A PER15 design Method 6A ASME Design Method Casting and Forging Study Work Items Recommend action on New Business items introduced in 2011 summer meeting ASTM nut grade matching 6FA comment f/ revision 6FB comment f/ revision Joel Russo Mike Briggs WG 6A718 New CRA’s Work Items 6AF2 Ballot Charts API 6AF2 Charts 11IW TBD WG 6A VR plugs Paul Maxwell Bob Barnett WG 6A718 New 718 YS’s Rashmi Bhavsar Work Items 6D Revisions ISO 14313 Revision ISO 14723 Revision 6H Reaffirm/Revise