Agenda for Wednesday & Thursday 3/6 and 3/7 Modernizing Satire Today I am going to show you a modern day version of SATIRE. It is packed full of IRONY and SATIRICAL examples. Just like the British authors we have been reading about this marking period, who embraced this strategy to poke fun of the powers that be, so too, does the present day documentary film maker, Michael Moore, with his movie: Bowling for Columbine.
SATIRE sat·ire /ˈsaˌtī(ə)r/ Noun The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of... A play, novel, film, or other work that uses satire.
Directions: As you watch today’s movie, please take notes and be prepared to share those notes with the class. You are being asked to come up with 10 examples of satire/irony in the movie, and then to explain your examples. SATIRE/IRONY Proposition What is the POINT that the film maker is trying to communicate? Support (Examples of how the film maker is using satire to make his point. Be specific. Explain your answer. What is the supporting detail that he provides to make his point more than just HIS opinion?) EXAMPLE: GUNS/WEAPONS are too easy to get in the United States. Mr. Moore takes his cameras into a local bank and shows that with just a few simple pieces of identification, a BANK will give a weapon to people in the USA. He also talks about how the BANK doesn’t seem to be an appropriate place to buy weapons. He uses SATIRE to make his point and he actually walks us through this experience, first hand. By putting his audience through this experience in his film, he is able to be more impactful and make his point. Had he written a story attacking the government, he may have been met with more resistance.
Directions: As you watch today’s movie, please take notes and be prepared to share those notes with the class. You are being asked to come up with 10 examples of satire/irony in the movie, and then to explain your examples. SATIRE/IRONY EXPLAIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10