Code: Presentation Topic (Calibri 36 pt.) 7th Innovation Award Your First Name and Last Name Department and Division (Calibri 17 pt.)
Add text here. (Calibri 28 pt.)
Benefits Value Calculation Total Unit Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1) Potential Benefit (input either 1.1 or 1.2) 1.1) Revenue Increase 3.50 MM USD 1.2) Cost Saving - 2) Cost 2.1) CAPEX 1.00 2.2) OPEX 1.35 3) Net Benefit* 1.15 Criteria 3.1 Benefit > Cost = times Criteria 3.2 Average Net Benefit = MM USD/yr.
PTTEP Potential Benefit 1-Page Summary (This is not part of your oral presentation, just a summary for the judging committee’s reference. Originality State innovation concept of your project here. It has to be a new concept or a variation from existing tool or process which is unique for E&P industry. It can be developed independently or in cooperation or with others. Practicality Declare how your project is practical in terms of: Business Potential (Stage of project : Idea/Plan - staring from idea to prototype completion, Development - staring from pilot to commercialization) Rules, Regulations, SSHE (Personnel & Process Safety) PTTEP Potential Benefit Declare benefits (both financial & non-financial) to PTTEP here. For yearly financial benefit, make sure to declare it in USD (FX Rate of 1 USD = 33THB). Also benefit/cost and non financial (if available) IP Provide information on Petty Patent and/or Patent registration incl. stage of application here. Publication* Clarify 1) internal and/or external conferences/ journals where your paper has been submitted/Published. 2) stage of submission (submitted to Published). Remark : *Publication use only submission type “DEVELOPMENT”