Section 2. Schizophrenia and forensics Paper 3 mock feedback Section 2. Schizophrenia and forensics
Two common problems in the sz unit Misreading the Q Answering a treatment question by outlining/evaluating the explanation (e.g. Cognitive treatments were answer with explanation) Answering an explanation question by outlining/evaluating the treatment. Vague and generic summaries. If the answer could be read as CBT for another disorder then it is not answering the question. Too many of you are throwing away easy marks – by not referencing sz SYMPTOMS
Q 12 Briefly outline Family Therapy in the treatment of Sz (2 marks) How could the be made specific to Sz? Family therapy aims to treat symptoms of sz by reducing maladaptive communication between family members. Family therapy aims to reduce maladaptive communication patterns within the family, which can aid in reducing stress levels for the person with SZ. This in turn can help to reduce relapse rates for the sufferer. Also involving them more actively in the treatment process can reduce levels of paranoia.
Q13- evaluate family therapy as a treatment for SZ (4 marks)
Q 14 OUtline Cognitive Treatments of Sz (4 marks) Cognitive = cognitions. Therefore only therapy that changes mental processes are cognitive therapies. Token economies are a behavioural therapy as they purely reinforce behaviour. They do not change cognitions. Remember this is one of the main limitations of token economies
Q 14 OUtline Cognitive Treatments of Sz (4 marks) How could the following be made specific to the Sz? e.g. Therapists work to help sufferers identify and challenge their symptoms by using techniques such as logical or empirical disputing. Could be written as follows: Therapists work to help suffers identify and then challenge their irrational thoughts for example attentional bias. By asking the service user to provide evidence that people are a constant threat or that someone is trying to harm them. As a result symptoms such as positive delusions are reduced.
Q 15 Give one strength and one weakness of the cognitive explanation of sz A number of answers focused on evaluating the cognitive treatment instead of the cognitive explanation. You can say that a strength of the explanation is that it has helped to developed successful treatments. The only worry is that if you go on to elaborate too much on the treatment that you end up answering a totally different question. If you know a different strength or weakness go with this. Only use the treatment route if you forget everything else. Just in case you go off on a massive tangent.
With reference to the scenario, discuss the importance of an interactionist approach to treating Sz (8 marks) Immediately you need to think what can I score marks for? And is the Q about treatment or the explanation. A01 is 3 marks. So I need to outline what the interactionist treatment is. NOT what the explanation is. If bio and psych treatments outlined separately then max. 1 mark. “In relation to treating schizophrenia, research indicates combination treatments, where more than one treatment is administered simultaneously to patients, are generally most effective. This is reflective of the interactionist model of using both biological and psychological treatments. For example, the use of anti-psychotic medication alongside CBT or family therapy. This can reduce the symptoms of SZ e.g. hallucinations and address the underlying stressors that can contribute to the disorder e.g. communication issues within the family.”
With reference to the scenario, discuss the importance of an interactionist approach to treating Sz (8 marks) A02 is worth 2 marks. So you need to say why it was important for Mia. Why did it help her so much? Why was it more suitable than just one treatment? Doctor recognises the importance of taking an interactionist approach “it may help to reduce other symptoms” Mia has experienced “significant symptom reduction” since starting a combination treatment of drugs and CBT demonstrating the importance of taking an interactionist approach to treating SZ.
With reference to the scenario, discuss the importance of an interactionist approach to treating Sz (8 marks) A03 is worth 3 marks. So you need to give an evaluation point (1 PEEL) and LINK IT BACK to the importance of the interactionist approach! The interactionist approach to treatment can be seen as a more appropriate and complete explanation of schizophrenia. SZ is complex so only using one treatment option is too narrow and unlikely to be as effective. Use of supporting research e.g. Tarrier et al. Limitations e.g. possible side effects of drugs, unwillingness to engage in CBT or family therapy. Economic implications- reduced relapse and hospital admission
Q17 top down and bottom up Q is only worth 2 marks so no need to explain where categorires came from in the first place i.e. 36 offenders. Keep it simple. Attending crime scene, reviewing evidence (assimilating) using this to create a profile upon pre-existing categories which are organised or disorganised offenders. This is then used to generate a profile.
X is……. (DEFINE/EXPLAIN)……… WHEREAS X IS DIFFERENT BECAUSE IT…. Q18a referring TO THIS INVESTIGATION, EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY DATA Q AS FOR SOME SPECIFIC THINGS: A DIFFERENCE. CAN’T JUST DEFINE EACH ONE. MUST USE A DIFFERENCE. For any diff Q in any topic (guaranteed there will be one!) use the format X is……. (DEFINE/EXPLAIN)……… WHEREAS X IS DIFFERENT BECAUSE IT…. E.g. Primary data is obtained from researched conducted by the researcher themselves directly FROM THE SOURCE for the specific aims of the study, Whereas secondary data is difference because it 2. Must give examples from the scenario. E.g. …..
Explain how the psychologist could continue her investigation by carrying out thematic analysis of the interview recordings. 2 marks Thematic Analysis Quick reminder first… Never includes counting frequencies. It only ever summaries the reoccurring themes/ideas that have been mentioned in the interviews. Thematic analysis, turns unhelpful qualitative data into meaningful qualitative data. Think about it like this… the researcher has 50 transcribed interview scripts. All the prisoners have talked at length about their own unique experiences of their childhoods. Their childhoods will of course be different BUT there is a good chance there will be some broader similarities. So…. the researcher needs to listen to all the interviews, transcribe them, then read them once or twice. Themes will start to emerge e.g. physical, verbal abuse or poverty or mum/dad left for a while, or loneliness etc… The researcher reads them again but this time through the lenses of the themes. The findings will be in the form of the theme of violence was apparent in several accounts.
Q 19 Discuss ways of measuring crime BETTER ANSWERS: came from ones using the A01 +A03, A01 + A03 format. compared strengths of one measure against the weaknesses of another. e.g. Official stats from police reports vs Anonymity of victim surveys understood the difference between reporting and recording in police stats. They could give examples and explain why a crime may not appear in stats. Understood the CESW is just one example of a victim survey. NOT THE ONLY ONE.
Q 19 Discuss ways of measuring crime OFFICIAL STATISTICS POLICE RECORDED CRIMES (+prison) Strengths = national, must be published every 3 months so can see patterns geographically / over time. Weaknesses = for a crime to be in stats it must be detected by public then reported by public then recorded by police. OR police need to ‘see’ it first hand Major issues at each stage thus hidden/dark figure is huge. Victim surveys e.g. CSEW Survey asking people how many crimes committed against them in last 12 months. Anonymous. Not conducted by police. One example is CSEW Strengths = overcomes issues of not wanting to report to police. = shows much more of the hidden figure than police stats Weaknesses = relies on memory, sample of CESW = householders, still problem of crimes that go undetected or there is no victim e.g. drug abuse / green crime. Offender surveys e.g. OCJS Survey asks those likely to be offenders (not just offenders). What crimes committed, reasons behind. Usually with juveniles. Strengths – anonymous no repercussions. Only way to find out about small petty victimless crimes e.g drug abuse, anti-social behaviour Weaknesses – exaggeration, serious crimes not found, white collar crime not found.