What’s Happening in Third Grade ... Mrs. Bonelli’s class news What’s Happening in Third Grade ... Reader’s Workshop: We are finishing our unit on Mysteries and getting ready to begin Poetry. We will be focusing in finding meaning and understanding form. Writer’s Workshop: We are reviewing our three different writing tasks, Research Simulation, Literary Analysis, and Narrative. Students now understand which type of writing to use when given a prompt. Math: We are just finishing up Unit 6. The students learned more multiplication strategies and reviewed subtracting three digit numbers. In Unit 7 the students will be learning more about fractions. Science: We will begin our second investigation in the Motion and Matter unit on Patterns of Motion. It begins with making a Wheel and Axle System. Homework reminder Make sure to check student planners and take home folders daily. Continue to practice your multiplication facts. Remember your Reading Log and Reading Response. Dates to remember Spring Break- April 15-19 Half day- May 23th No School- May 27th