Drug Therapy in Pediatric Patients Chapter 10 Drug Therapy in Pediatric Patients
Drug Therapy in Pediatric Patients Pediatrics includes all patients younger than age 16 Pediatric populations have six groups Premature infants (less than 36 weeks gestation) Full-term infants (36 to 40 weeks) Neonates (first 4 weeks) Infants (5 – 52 weeks) Children (1 to 12 years) Adolescents (12 to 16 years)
Pharmacokinetics: Neonates and Infants Infants have five immature pharmacokinetic processes Drug absorption Renal excretion Hepatic metabolism Protein binding of drugs Blood-brain barrier
Body surface area of the child x adult dose Dosage Determination Approximate child’s dosage = Body surface area of the child x adult dose 1.73 m²
Dosage Determination (cont.) Drug dosages are primarily the result of clinical outcome and plasma concentration levels Compliance is essential for a positive outcome
Compliance Patient education includes Dosage size and timing Route and technique of administration Duration of treatment Storage of drug Desired responses Adverse responses
Promoting Compliance Use convenient drug forms Select dosing times to lifestyle Mix drugs with foods Calibrated spoons Returned demonstrations