A and B: Total caloric intake in sham rats on chow and in gastroduodenal and hepatic vagotomized rats treated with STZ with access to lard and chow. A and B: Total caloric intake in sham rats on chow and in gastroduodenal and hepatic vagotomized rats treated with STZ with access to lard and chow. Access to lard and chow (starting on day 0) decreases total caloric intake in duovag-STZ rats to normophagic levels (sham-chow levels), unlike hepvag-STZ rats. C: Body weight gain over 4 days of access to chow+lard. D: NPY peptide expression in the Arc (*significantly different from duovag-STZ and sham-chow rats; P < 0.05; #significant differences between hepvag-STZ and duovag-STZ and hepvag-STZ and sham-veh rats, Student’s t: P < 0.05). Susanne E. la Fleur et al. Diabetes 2003;52:2321-2330 ©2003 by American Diabetes Association