SSRG Workshop 16th April 2007 Outcome Framework Tool The Process National Guidance: CSCI Framework Outcome Framework Tool: Additional Value Outcome Framework Tool: Learning Mary Aitchison: GOAL Project Group Member Steve Korta: LCC, HLSDO
The Process Time constraints Logistical challenges Moving from consultation to engagement How to accommodate and select agreed outcomes and measures. Pre CSCI/DH framework development
A New Framework for Performance Assessment of Adult & Social Care CSCI Consultation Document 2006/07
Outcome Framework Tool: Additional Value A single method of communication across multiple settings A one page three dimensional representation of complex ideas Developing a shared format as a means to reaching common agreement Dovetailing with inspectoral requirements A work in progress
Outcome Framework Tool: Learning The advantage of adequate materials e.g. A3 colour handouts. The need to establish democratic methods for the selection of priorities. The need to move from numerical targets to “quality of life” measures. The need to allow local flexibility and interpretation of policy.