IBM SAP Alliance Hindustan Motors Limited Increasing performance by 75 percent with IBM and SAP “DB2 is extremely easy to manage, and together with the improved performance we’ve gained from the IBM solution, we’ve managed to shorten our required backup window by one hour.” — Mr Vijayakrishna, Senior IT Manager, Hindustan Motors Limited The need: Indian car manufacturer Hindustan Motors Limited experienced a pain point when its legacy SAP platform began to experience storage bottlenecks, meaning it could take up to two minutes to access the system at peak times and preventing the company from processing orders fast enough to meet its business goals. In order to address this issue, Hindustan Motors needed to refresh its legacy HP infrastructure. The solution: Hindustan Motors implemented IBM Power 520 Express and IBM System x3650 servers running IBM AIX connected to an IBM System Storage DS4700. Storage is managed by IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, and an IBM TS3200 Tape Library ensures all of the company’s mission-critical data is backed up. After the migration, SAP ERP was upgraded to version 6.0. Solution components: SAP ERP Central Component 6.0 IBM System x3650 IBM DB2 IBM AIX IBM Tivoli Storage Manager The benefits: Cut SAP access times by 75 percent, streamlining the workflow process and increasing operational efficiency by around 40 percent. Compressed data by 40 percent with IBM DB2, reducing both database size and the need to spend on additional hardware. Shrunk backup window by one hour, improving data security and freeing IT personnel to focus on more valuable maintenance and development tasks. Link SPP03115-INEN-00