Email: Mrs. Pamplin’s Weekly Newsletter January 3, 2018 Homework: Wednesday: study sight words and spelling words, read a book Thursday: study sight words and spelling words, math worksheet Homework is due Friday. Sight Words: two more write go see number no way could people Spelling Words: strike string splash split scrub scrap like ride says were Our spelling test for these words will be January 12th. Notes from Mrs. Pamplin: Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing break. If you would like your child to have a snack please pack one daily. Please study sight words and spelling words each night. Your child needs to be able to read his/her sight words. This week we’re learning about: Phonics: review: short and long vowels (silent e), ch, tch, wh, triple consonant blends (str, scr, spr) Reading: distinguishing between fiction and nonfiction, comparing and contrasting, identifying key details in fiction and nonfiction, authors purpose Writing: writing topic sentences with detail sentences Math: subtracting My Contact Information Email: Phone: 985-892-4311 Important Dates: Jan 10th: Terrific Kid Jan. 11th: Sight Word Test Jan. 12th: Spelling and Reading Test