Modernism A literary movement that roughly spanned the time period between the two world wars, 1914-1945. Modernist literature is most often about alienation, the fragmentation of society, and the unsuccessfull search for meaning and love in life.
Ambivelance Simultaneous contradictory feelings or emotions about a topic. (A love/hate relationship.)
The American Dream Social Mobility Meritocracy Rags to Riches
The Second Industrial Revolution Henry Ford Assembly Lines Trucking
The Roaring Twenties Flappers New Found Prosperity Prohibition Women’s Suffrage 1920 19th Amendment New Found Prosperity Prohibition 1919 18th Amendment
Fragmentation of Society Automobile Urbanization Increase in urban labor Development of early suburbs Immigration Fast pace of technology Religion
Disillusion the recognition that a belief once held was merely an illusion; the condition of being disappointed. 1919 World Series World War I The Lost Generation
“The Great War”
“The Great War”
“The Great War”