PROJECTED REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAXES - $10,669,011; an increase of $239,988 or 2.3% which is the cap; STATE AID - $5,924,638; increase of $129,362; as per initial projections; OTHER REVENUES - $592,850 an increase of $79,000; USE OF RESERVE/FUND BALANCE - $0, a decrease of $100,000; TOTAL REVENUE BUDGET - $17,196,500 an increase of $348,350 or 2.06%
SCHOOL TAXES & The Compressor Station What is the assessment on the compressor station? The compressor station was listed on the tentative 2019 tax rolls released in may at nearly $87,000,000 Taxable. How will this impact my tax rates in 2019-2020? Assuming these numbers remain for the final tax rolls in July, tax rates will decrease by approximately 9.62%. What are the School’s Plans Going Forward? The value of the new property will impact next years tax cap which could fall anywhere between 10-14% if current numbers hold. We intend to submit a budget for 2020-2021 that will bring taxes back up to 2018-2019 tax levels. A large portion of this new revenue will be set aside to cover any challenges to the assessment. The Following Charts will Illustrate Our Planned Tax Rate Compared to Inflation and Other Districts.
SCHOOL TAXES (Continued) School District Tax Rate per $100,000 Market Value 2018-2019 Tax Rate per $100,000 Market Value 2019-2020 Roscoe $1,401 $1,422 Sullivan West $1,428 $1,450 Eldred $1,536 $1,388 Livingston Manor $1,650 $1,675 Monticello $1,832 $1,860 Tri-Valley $1,855 $1,883 Fallsburg $2,539 $2,577 Liberty $2,645 $2,684
SCHOOL TAXES (Continued) Tax Year Tax Increase % CPI (Inflation) % 2014-2015 1.84% 1.6% 2015-2016 2.37% 0.1% 2016-2017 3.48% 1.3% 2017-2018 1.03% 2.1% 2018-2019 2.29% 2.4% 2019-2020 (Est) (9.62)% 2020-2021 (Est) 10.63% Average Annual Increase 1.72% 1.76%
2019-2020 3 PART BUDGET SUMMARY 2018-2019 Program Proposed 2019-2020 Increase (Decrease) % Increase (Decrease) Administrative 1,754,995 1,787,086 32,091 1.83% 12,173,658 12,521,433 347,775 2.86% Capital 2,919,497 2,887,981 (31,516) (1.08)% Grand Total 16,848,150 17,196,500 348,350 2.07%
Administrative Expenses Raises are being held to contractual amounts. All supplies and equipment accounts are being held at prior year funding levels. Regular School Supervision has increased to reflect a higher wage for the High- School Principal, Offset by lower benefits costs. No additional Employees added. Overall Increase 1.83% (32,091).
Program Expenses Additional Special Education Teacher Added at an approx. cost of $95,000. School Resource Officer’s Added at an approx. cost of $95,000. Additional Transportation expenses related to a shortage of Driver’s increasing costs by approx. $160,400. These costs are partially offset by fewer BOCES placements, fewer alternative education placements, and potentially further offset by money we hope to receive from the state.
Program Expenses Continued Why are we adding a Special Education Teacher didn’t we just make cuts last year? At the end of 2017-2018 we lost a member of our Special Education department who was not a part of those cuts. We chose not to fill the position as we were informed we could operate with current staff. Every Child deserves a quality education and if we cannot provide for their needs we place them out of district. Filling this position will allow us to keep more of our students within District, while at the same time saving us money on costly placements. It is a win-win situation.
Program Expenses Continued Why are we adding SRO’s? Safety is the highest priority of any school district. Our school district covers a very large geographic area of over 100 square miles. Response times from local law enforcement can very from a couple minutes to 25 minutes depending on the location of the officers within our district at the time of the call. We have no armed presence currently on our premises and new state laws make it exceedingly difficult for anyone but law enforcement to carry. We feel it is in the best interest for the safety of our children to provide this presence in case of an emergency.
Program Expenses Continued What are we doing about the driver shortage? We have advertised new positions and offered a signing bonus. We are advertising in the papers and on social media, we will also help anyone interested in preparing for their CDL test. So far we have had some success and with a little luck we should be able to drive our transportation prices down. This shortage is effecting the entire area.
Capital Expenses Capital expenses are decreasing due to a decrease in debt payments. We are also postponing any repair projects that can wait until the following year. Overall costs decreased $31,516.