President’s Report October 24, 2013 Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 President’s Report October 24, 2013
Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 Intercampus Faculty Council: FAS replacement moving forward (committee recommended, IFC endorsed, provosts and chancellors) CRR revision to allow diplomas to carry “in collaboration with” other schools. Process: Normal establishment of program After three years involvement, dep’t may request diploma include other institution name Diploma partner approval route: (1) partner institution screening committee, three faculty + VPUS + VPGS ; (2) provost and chancellor; (3) UM president IT security policy proposal feedback requested
Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 IT security policy proposal, feedback requested Information security training: Annual or bi-annual training for all employees Training at new employee orientation More frequent but very brief modules. Additional training if/when an employee is known to have caused an incident Password change occasionally
Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 IT security policy proposal, feedback requested (cont.) Device security – all devices IT setup/provision of devices, no jailbreaking PC/Laptop login with strong password (as now) Smart phone/tablet PIN or password Flash drive password Require VPN on non-UM networks Store all original and/or current versions of data, documents on University-owned, provided or endorsed system rather than stored on a device Device security – FERPA data (e.g. student names) above plus: Comply with UM policy on disposal Encryption strongly recommended Not bring on international travel recommended
Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 Campus: Academic free hour discontinued effective FS 2014 Chancellor drafting letter on timeline for structural changes Funded strategic plan proposals available on request