Welcome to Biology Room C31 Mr. Huff thuff@d155.org
Who is Mr. Huff? This is my 26th year at CGHS I have taught most levels of Biology Mrs. Huff is also a teacher at CGHS We have three daughters that attend SSPP I graduated from college at UW-Stevens Point I have a Master’s degree from North Central College in Naperville I am an avid outdoorsman and will share many of my experiences with my student
Online version is available to all students Our Textbook Online version is available to all students
Course Outline Biology is the study of LIFE! 1st Semester Scientific Method Characteristics of Life Ecology Chemistry of Life Microscopy and Cells Cellular Transport 2nd Semester Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration DNA and Protein Synthesis Genetics (Mendelian & Human) DNA Technology Changes in Life Taxonomy Bacteria & Viruses Biology is the study of LIFE!
What does your child need for this class? Materials Each student will need the following materials for this class: -Paper to write on - Folder or Binder -Pencils and Pens -Colored Pencils -Glue stick -Scotch tape -Calculator - Chrome Book
Grading Semester Grades will be divided into three categories 1) Formative = 20% Homework, Quizzes, Labs, Daily Work, Projects 2) Summative = 70% Unit Tests 3) Semester Exam = 10% Please check Skyward frequently!
2nd Chances – Mega Tests! Mega Tests will be divided into unit sections. If a student scores higher on a section, the student’s unit test score will be replaced by the average of the unit test and Mega Test section score. Each Mega Test will be worth 50% of the student’s semester exam grade.
I am available to help students during my prep periods. M T W R F 1 Honors Biology 2 Honors Biology 3 Duty 4 Biology 309 5 6 7 8 9 My Schedule I am available to help students during my prep periods.
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