MAE 3291: JUNIOR DESIGN Presentation Review April 14, 2008 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk
OVERVIEW Next week: Monday: Senior Design Presentations: 3-5 pm Wednesday: Senior Design Presentations: 3-5 pm Today is last class meeting Final assignments: Each team meet with me 2 more times this semester Provide feedback on Homework Assignment #5 Finalize goals and objectives Review overall plan of attack and design roadmap Discuss calculation progress Financial plan What will be your final deliverable for this class? Do you have a summer plan? Provide feedback on individual/team grading form by Friday, April 18th Individual/team grading form due Friday, April 25th 7/20/2019 MAE 3291
THE GOOD Channel: We conveyed a definite sense of progress. Our presentation showed that we had done a lot of work up until then. HPV: We did a good job in explaining the process of designing an HPV and the necessary steps to achieve our goals. MAV: We adapted to the PowerPoint incompatibility situation quickly and kept the presentation itself under 10 minutes Mars Wind Team: We were able to cover a lot of material in the amount of time we were given. 7/20/2019 MAE 3291
THE GOOD GLXP: It’s a big topic, and I believe we informed the audience as completely as possible in the time allotted. PIFAS: Well explained physics TITAN: “look” of presentation – aesthetic appearance Panther II: Good transition between speakers 7/20/2019 MAE 3291
THE BAD Channel: We didn’t have a crystal clear project plan or list of objectives. This is something that we have nailed down as of this document. Channel: We didn’t show a large amount of calculations. This is simply because there isn’t a terrible amount of math that can be done on channel wings. HPV: If all of our team members had shown up, we would had a better representation of our group. MAV: Our presentation could have been clearer; we could have articulated our ideas better. Mars Wind Team: Perhaps should have had more calculations then what we did have 7/20/2019 MAE 3291
THE BAD GLXP: We’re still in the early literature review stage so there may not have been a lot that we could definitively state. PIFAS: Not enough time TITAN: Clearly we needed more practice, especially with the volume “Initial results yielded scaling to highly difficult” Panther II: Needed to show equations 7/20/2019 MAE 3291
EXAMPLE R = force, usually its a F j = mass, usually its a m q = acceleration in inertia reference frame, usually its an a Changed each symbol in equation by moving to symbol above it on a keyboard 7/20/2019 MAE 3291