GIS and 9-1-1 Coordinating a transition Barry Ritter, ENP Executive Director – Indiana Statewide 911 Board
Statewide 911 board 3 PSAP Mangers 4 Communication Industry Representatives ISP, DHS, State Fire Marshall, GIS County Commissioner Municipal Member County Sheriff
Statewide 911 board IC 36-8-16.7-24 The statewide 911 board is established to develop, implement, and oversee the statewide 911 system. The board is a body corporate and politic, and though it is separate from the state, the exercise by the board of its powers constitutes an essential government function.
Funding 2015 Wireless $ 48,758,652* Land line $ 9,772,568 VOIP $ 7,935,219 Prepaid $ 5,778,020 Total $ 72,244,459
Distribution County Government $ 60,778,104 Operating Expense $ 10,222,030 Depreciation $ 10,886 Eligible Expenses Can the county use 911 funds for GIS?
Still in use Today – tabular data Fixed (landline) used civil addresses and ESN (emergency service numbers) Routing tables were ‘fixed’ and defined by the MSAG (master street address guide) A 911 call had a civil address, and an ESN for the emergency service (police, EMS, fire)
WIRELESS LOCATION Phase 0 or course location Phase 1 ANI automatic number information Phase II ALI automatic location information Long & Lat. IN911 is Phase II, not all carriers provide the location information.
What we need – vs – what we have A dispatchable address X / Y coordinates resolved to civil addresses Accurate location data, with validated information Accurate call routing Enhanced phase II location Indoor location Highly mobile devices Legacy MSAG data that is (poorly) maintained A legacy management system of wireless routing (the wireless traffic plan) A location update (rebid) Not yet supported
Now emerging – GIS based routing The device is ‘location aware’ Today using GPS, next using ‘ground based’ data WiFi signal tracking (enterprise access points are in databases) Bluetooth beaconing Broadcast (radio / TV) beaconing ‘Follow me’ applications used by the public
Gis – more than a map Preplan Information available Prioritization of calls Call distribution Geofencing high profile locations Better location information
What is the role of GIS in NG911? NG architecture is dependent upon GIS Transition from legacy networks to IP enabled Support new technologies (SMS, OTT, telematics) Improved location information and call routing
What we have is ‘tower centroid’, not as accurate Where are we today ? For text-to-911, the device is ‘location aware’, but SMS doesn’t support this service What we have is ‘tower centroid’, not as accurate But, text-to-911 is routed using GIS data and PSAP polygons Small steps, but progress !
We get better accuracy with each generation of our work There are: What happens next ? We get better accuracy with each generation of our work There are: public privacy issues technology issues speed of deployment issues Indiana continues to lead the nation in many areas of 911 (calculating the centroid of a tower sector)
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